New & trial users:
Email marketing is no longer "upload a list and hit send".
Things have gotten a little more complex over the years, but we're here to help you every step of the way so you can run the best email marketing campaigns you've ever had.
The best way to get started with email marketing is toĀ reach out to usĀ - we'll be happy to discuss your unique needs and how VipeCloud can support them.
Once you're properly set up - here's how to send mass emails in VipeCloud:
hello vipers let's talk about how to
send a mass email using pipe cloud
so what you'll want to do is go to your
list because this is going to be kind of
your home base for for sending
mass emails because after all a mass
is an email that's going to a list of
your contacts
and so you'll want to have your contact
built out so that everybody you want to
send to is in that contact list
and then come to this page right here
for contact lists
choose the contact list that you are
going to be looking to send to
and uh and then you can trigger it from
this uh this button over here with the
three dots
so you can click on that so you'll see
there's a whole bunch of options here
to to interact with this contact list
and you'll want to send email
and then here's where you ready
your your mass email and you can
basically just kind of uh
work from the top down here uh you'll
see kind of a summary of the name of
this contact looks that you're sending
how many co and how many contacts are
are in it you can choose an
email template to uh to send to this
although as you can see that's only
optional or
yes it's merely optional and you can
actually just craft a one-off
message to send to these people from
right here
so for this purpose we're going to
choose a a template
and and then you can add preview text
here if you like which will be
the text that people will see as like a
before they click in their inbox before
they click on the email
you usually see a little preview in
there of what is contained in there so
you can adjust that here
which might be particularly helpful if
you're sending an html template like
because generally it's gonna uh if you
don't put any preview text in there it
will just uh
start from whatever is first
uh and then uh so then you can go in
here even if it's an html template you
can still edit it
so you can you can make an edit here
it's worth noting that any changes that
you make here will not be saved to the
so that can certainly be a very useful
thing if you just want to do a one-off
of a particular template that you are
however we would strongly advise that
you don't
make any major changes that you'll
actually want to use going forward
because it would be much more efficient
just to
go to your templates edit it there save
and then just pull it up here once
that's good to go
so now down here you'll see that there
are some options here for the kind of
mass email that you can send so we've
got advanced mass emails here which is a
that uh our enterprise users have
and what that does is it instead of
all of the emails all at once it'll
actually send them just one per minute
instead and the idea there is that it
it aims to make it appear more like a
standard just
one-on-one email to to the recipient
and so the goal is to have it be
more deliverable and to also
uh have the email hopefully arrive in
actual inbox of the recipient as opposed
to like in their promotions tab or
like that uh so if you aren't an
enterprise user then uh
or i should say like all all vip cloud
users have
batch mask emails available to them and
so what that will do is it'll just
it'll run from the top of the list to
the bottom as quickly as it can
it's like a standard mass email
i should also mention that you don't
have to worry too much about
accidentally clicking this because if
you do
it'll confirm that you actually want to
send a mass email
before it sends it off
and then over here you can schedule your
and so that way you can get it
prepared and schedule it for some time
in the future
uh so it's a convenient option uh so you
don't have to always
send it uh live essentially
and then we also highly highly recommend
that you send a test to yourself before
send a mass email you know
and i would also advise that you check
what it looks like in as many different
places as possible so you can check what
it looks like
on your desktop check what it looks like
on on a cell phone
uh maybe even also see what it looks
like in outlook versus in gmail
because all these different formats can
have a different appearance and you
don't want any surprises there
and then lastly lastly we've got a spam
check here as well
which will just help with um what
happens you you click on that
and a couple minutes later you will get
a report emailed to you
and that will uh have the results of
just checking for certain kinds of uh of
mistakes that can make an
email appear uh like spam you know
things like
too many all caps exclamation points
too many links a whole bunch of things
like that uh you can
you can check for that right here and
then so once you've
sent your massive email you'll want to
go over
here emails mass
and so this is where you can see the
performance of all the mass emails that
you've sent
you'll see a row for each mass email if
it's an advanced mass email
you'll see the status right there of how
many have been sent
versus you know how many uh are on the
total list
you'll see your list size here how many
emails have been delivered
how many unique opens there have been so
what that means is that
if one person opens it multiple times it
will not be counted multiple times
and you'll see how many clicks on the
links you've your email received
how many people replied to your email
that will
apply only if your inbox is synced to
vip cloud by the way
and then you'll also see how many issues
there were so
issues meaning things like bounces and
unsubscribes and
things along those lines and so all of
these are
you can you can drill down into into all
of these
and see uh you know contact by contact
uh you know what what the results are
and and those are the basics so if you
have any questions at all
about sending mass emails don't hesitate
to reach out
we're happy to help