This guide shows you how to upload files into VipeCloud and send them using our two email builder types.
hello vipers let's talk about how to
send attachments with vip cloud
so invite cloud attachments are sent as
links instead of as actual files that go
along for the ride with the email
uh there are a bunch of advantages to
this uh one of them is that you can
bypass those pesky
email attachment limits that you run
into when you're sending
emails where it's like 25 or 30
megabytes or something like that
as the
is the maximum file size for an
attachment and with ours you literally
don't have one because the file itself
isn't going along with the email
um it's more like a dropbox situation
when uh when it comes to people
downloading the files additionally
uh that makes it a more deliverable
email because
attachments are a little bit uh
suspect but
according to certain
email systems because they don't know if
there might be a virus or something like
and and also you know when people have
downloaded your attachment using uh our
system because it's a trackable link
like all links that you send with vip
you are able to determine where that
attachment is displayed in the email
body itself so you can have it as a part
of a call to action or something along
those lines it's more difficult to miss
so um when you're looking to send
an attachment with vip club
you have to bear in mind what email
template your builder you are using so
if you are using
the standard rich text
uh template kind of like this
it's quite easy so you can say like
download the file here
insert it
and so when you are going to uh up so
you get to determine if you have already
this file
to the system or if it's one that you
are going to be uploading right now if
it's one that's already in the system
you can simply look for in your content
right here
search content upload it right there but
if it's one that you don't already have
in the system hit the green plus button
right here
and then here you can say what the text
is that you want
uh so you can give it the
the file name right there or um or you
could also make it in something like
add editor and then right there
and then you're able to send that that
link right there will once they click it
it'll automatically download the file
additionally um it's a little bit
different in the html builder so um for
that you actually want to go into your
see that it's downloads we got this or
see that's already been uploaded rather
you can see this has been uploaded
git share link by the way you can use
this to share the attachment with
with people in other ways you can text
it things like that
but right here i just copied that with a
ctrl c you can also do this right here
right click copy
and then go to your templates
go into your html template
and then you just simply insert it as a
um what's cool with html builders you
can also make it to a button or
something like that um so that's what
i'm going to do right here
i'm going to drag a button over here
click on it to edit
paste it right there we can actually
right click
and paste
and then
and then there we go then they will see
that right there they can click it
download their file
and again you will know
uh through your uh through your link
that they have actually downloaded that
file when they say they have so another
advantage to
using downloadable links as opposed to
file attachments
hope that helps thank you